Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sick Week-end @home...

This week-end, it has been my "doctor-acting WE"... my 3 kids were sick, high fever, headshake and throat pain.
No other option but staying at home!
... Soooo, ... between pills and syrups, this are my creations for the WE:

First of all, for the Lotus Paperie Challenge #130,

I’m trying to make a School Souvenir Album for each of my children… huge project!
It’ll take me ages, I’m afraid!!!

Este Fin de semana aproveché para crear varias paginas que tenia en la cabeza... aquí están:
Me gusta guardar los dibujos de los chicos, como un recuerdo valioso de su niñez.
And... that's it for now...
See you soon,